Saturday, March 23, 2013

patrick stewart

so i decided to do a portrait which is believe is very challenging. the base mesh started in zbrush. where i sculpt it and eventually texture it.

once outside of zbrush. i took it to lightwave and set up a lighting setup that  will work in a portrait shot. also
added more maps to achieve a more realistic look.
after that i took it to photoshop where i added more details and also added blur to make it look more neat. 

hope you guys like it !>  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lady Bug

The way "Lady Bug" was created. first i had to model a bug in 3d. i did a basic mesh in lightwave and took that into zbrush and realign a few things. once there i had to fix a few proportion issues and ended doing retopology to my mesn and added textures . the same was done with the leaf. but that i only took to zbrush for textures and uv creation.

once back in lightwave i had to create a more realistic leaf and i had to add some fibers to it and also played with out of focus settings. just so i had that photographic look i was looking for. 
i also added particles because i wanted small water drops in the leaf as well as if they were droping from it. 
once i was happy with the lighting. i took a background i found and photoshop it so it matched with my foreground elements. when the render was done which only took like 2 minutes and something. 
i saved a png out of lightwave and dedided to make my foreground elements smaller and keep the same background. i added some blurs around so your main focus was the lady bug. and thats how i created this fun piece!> 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

weapons and more

so this past week i spend some time drawing on my sketchbook. and and eventually there was a need throw some color on this bad boys. so it went from paper to eventually redrawing them on the computer and painting them. i really like this process in which you set your drawing. block a basic color shade and than pull   values. it's a great fun process that comes with a certain style and very bright colors. !!! more to come.!>